Where Music Lives

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 8th Fort Dix- Plainfield Slim & The Groundhawgs made their way to Fort Dix together with The Doughboys for some lively entertainment yesterday afternoon.
The afternoon was scheduled with all sorts of "entertainment acts".
USA Troops & families enjoyed their afternoon with the theme for the day: 60s Flashback Family Fun Day.

With many thanks to Don Cafferty who recorded the shows that afternoon for both bands and John Pfeiffer-The Aquarian who will report on both bands.
The deepest thanks for the many friends and fans that came out to see the bands perform at Fort Dix.
It was so great to see you all there.
Mother nature, this time, was a big fan and she was so enjoyable, she is turning in to a big fan of the bands. It is great to have her on our side this summer.

Gar Francis' new song "Rocket" was well received at Fort Dix. Robert Vogt the Director of the WMR was very pleased with both bands and he wants them back on the base soon.
"Rocket" delivery was very special for the band as well for the audience at Fort Dix.
The sale of the single will create proceeds that will be donated to the Wounded Solders Organization.
The start was made at Fort Dix and we will keep going.

Here are the Doughboys met Philip Rosso, Lieutenant Colonel US Army, Commander, 10th PSYOP Battalion.
A blues lover himself, which was occupied earlier that afternoon with his Battalion at a ceremony on the base. From where his battalion could hear Plainfield Slim's blues tunes during the ceremony which made it very special for his troops. His Battalion is leaving for Afghanistan in 24 hours. Yellow ribbons are hanging in the trees at Fort Dix until they return in 9 months. The commander hopes that we will there when his troops return to Fort Dix and celebrate their return with a live concert.

A special recognition was given to both bands for playing for the USA Troops and their family. A beautiful plaque was given to Gar Francis for Plainfield Slim & The Groundhagws and to Myke Scavone for The Doughboys.
They were " The Ultimate Weapon" that day in bringing lively entertainment to Fort Dix.

The afternoon ended with meeting some fine young men who are fighting for Freedom.

A BIG thank you to our Troops for keeping us safe!
Thank you to everyone for making this event so great yesterday. We all had a great time.

Manager Gar Francis

Here are the Doughboys met Philip Rosso, Lieutenant Colonel US Army, Commander, 10th PSYOP Battalion. A blues lover himself, which was occupied earlier that afternoon with his Battalion at a ceremony on the base. From where his battalion could hear Plainfield Slim's blues tunes during the ceremony which made it very special for his troops. His Battalion is leaving for Afghanistan in 24 hours. Yellow ribbons are hanging in the trees at Fort Dix until they return in 9 months. The commander hopes that we will there when his troops return to Fort Dix and celebrate their return with a live concert. A special recognition was given to both bands for playing for the USA Troops and their family. A beautiful plaque was given to Gar Francis for Plainfield Slim & The Groundhagws and to Myke Scavone for The Doughboys. They were " The Ultimate Weapon" that day in bringing entertainment to Fort Dix. The afternoon ended with meeting some fine young man who are fighting for our Freedom overseas. A BIG thank you to our Troops for keeping us safe! Thank you to everyone for making this event so great yesterday.
Manager Gar Francis

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